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鹏保宝 6.3.1
视频、文档、音乐、图纸、电子书…鹏保宝为你的数字内容保价护航!老师、数字内容卖家、威客、设计师…鹏保宝加密方案为你量身打造!可绑定对方阅读设备鹏保宝确保发送的文件不被二次传播***主要功能***自由传播接收方只能在发送方预设的可读天数、次数内阅读,也可转发给其他人。发送方可随时终止、延长、缩短预设的阅读条件。交易保障买家阅读时需要向卖家申请,经过卖家同意并激活后,买家只能在首次打开的设备上阅读,无法进行二次传播。(买家和卖家指视频、电子书等数字内容交易的双方)。隐私保护通过加密算法对个人私密的文件进行加密保护,只能由信息主人自己查阅。安全可靠。Video, documents, music,drawings, books ...Peng Bao Bao your digital content insured escort!Teachers, digital content sellers, Wik, designer ...Peng Bao Bao encryption scheme tailored for you!You can bind the other reading devicesPeng Bao Bao ensure that the file is not sent secondarytransmission***The main function***Free disseminationThe recipient can read the sender preset number of days, the numberof reading inside can also be forwarded to other people. The sendercan terminate, extend, shorten pre-condition for reading.Transaction securityThe buyer to the seller when the reading needs to apply, after theseller agreed and after activation, the buyer only in the firstturn on the device to read, can not be secondary spread. (Buyersand sellers means both sides video, e-books and other digitalcontent transactions).privacy protectionPersonal privacy through encryption algorithm to encrypt files,only have access to the masters of their own information. Safe anddependable.
鹏保宝-文件研值守护者 3.5.0
.pbb extension file reading tool, audio, video and PDFfileencryption tool, protect your self-developed files andpreventforwarding! Anti-theft pass! Anti screen capture!Anti-recordingscreen!