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float window notepad adversion 16
The ad of WPad with basic file dialogfunctiontext selection function tips:simply move the cursor to the start of the selection, long pressthe text area(or the first icon button in the edit menu), then movethe cursor to the end of the selection, then long press the textarea(or the first icon button in the edit menu), you can get thetext selected. if you long press the text area (or the first iconbutton in the edit menu) again you can select all the text. whenyou select the text the number of text you selected will show inthe toast.Instructions: http://youtu.be/xbZN3NMgS_sv12.1,v12.2 fix fc and bugsv12Add delete button to the history and task list. Access thisfunction by swipe the list to the left/right outside areaAdd sort function to the file list . Access this function by longpress the file on the list for over 1 second then swipe up ordownFix some FC in regarding to file list....details see the pro versionv15Add delete file function you can delete the file you arereadingAdd Pin it function you can pin your current file on to the homescreen widget(To Do List widget)Change the way of display Ad, avoid pop out activity, make theprogram a real window note pad.Provide option of dismiss Ad for three minutes (consider it is nota ebook reader, I think the time is enough for generally readthrough files. Let me know if you have any advise at the momentstill working how to only show the ad on one window only )
Quick Dictionary 5.0
This program use dictionary database fromStarDict.(http://abloz.com/huzheng/stardict-dic/ This is one of theavailable website you can download the database)It provide quick word search by intercept the words from clipboard.v2.0:1.Support dz file2.Support notification bar setting3.Add words limit function for display explaination4.Add smart display time control (longer display time for longerexplaination)5.Improve SDCard IO.v3.0:1.Support tts read the word2.Show dictionary name on notification bar3.Support realtime setup4.improve smart display timev4.0Add smart word transform function to transform plural formsprogressive tense past tense to normal formsFix not update dictionary problemv5.0Fixed can not translate capital letter issueAdd word review list functionHow to use:BEFORE STARTYou need to decompress the dictionary package, before use.(Optional:If there is a file end with ".dict.dz" you have to rename it to".dict.gz", and decompress it again.You have to rename it to the same name as the ".ifo" file, if theuncompressed ".dict" has a different name.)AFTER STARTYou have to set the dictionary with the top button and start thedictionary with the bottom one.LOOK UP FOR WORDSCopy the target word,Click anywhere on the screen. The explanation will pop up.EXIT THE DICTIONARYGo back to the program click Exit button.
float window notepad 16
Try the free version before you buy the proversionpro version has many difference including:no ad,v1:you can touch to select path like win7A float window notepadsupport change the size of the textsupport change the window sizev2 add:support font changeput ttf or otf files(you can find them in your pc c:\windows\fonts)into \mnt\sdcard\Fonts\ and rename it to mynote.ttfimproved interfacev3 add:new Open and Save file interface with sort and filterfunctionHint: you can click the path text area to quickly jump back to theparent foldersimproved text select functionyou can select your text by 4 steps:1.single click the beginning place of the selection,2.long click(anywhere in the text area) to confirm the start,3.single click the end place of the selection,4.long click(anywhere in the text area) to confirm the end.v4 add:improved touch responseAdd hide window to notification bar functionv5.1 improvement:improved interface size calculation;corrected problems in searchingimproved open file dialog window size;add undo redo functionv6 and v7add share function;interface improved;v8:Changed file open dialog for further improvement+ history function in file open dialog+ replace , replace all function(click replace button to replace,long click replace button to replace all the words aftercursor)+ scroll bar+ select all function(long click notes after already select somewords)+ words number count when doing selection+ highlight keywords functionimproved interface, more touch friendlyfixed bugs about change min window size when change screenorientationfixed bugs about undo actionv9 and v 10Add multiple Window supportAdd large file supportAdd charset supportAdd toast for most of the operationsAdd words count function(when select words)improved font size adjust methodimproved the interface, move the search bar down, so you can usepaste function for search barfixed min window can not restore to original size problemfixed press hard key "S" save file problems(use ctrl + Sinstead.)v11, v12, v12.1 and v12.2Add delete button to the history and task list. Access thisfunction by swipe the list to the left/right outside areaAdd sort function to the file list (inc. history). Access thisfunction by long press the file on the list for over 1 second thenswipe up or downAdd fast scroll function for file list (inc. history)Add task list button for quick accessChange the min window icon to the apk iconFix some FC in regarding to file list.v15Add delete function. you can directly delete file from the toolbarAdd Pin it function to pin the not onto the home screen widget(ToDoList widget)
Auto Speaker 10.1
This program can make your phonesmarter!It is programmed to automatically switch between loudspeaker andearphone when you make the phone calls.It can be handy when simultaneously talking on the phone and readon the screen.More features can be added when requested. Feel free to Email me.This apk also supports reading incoming number and contactname,use proximity sensor to pick up or reject the calland set a time delay to answer or reject the call.It could be handy when driving.However, for your safety, please try avoid using cell phone whendriving!Functions includingSMS readingwidget switchsetting export and importadjust the volume with the ringtone volume.are added.Permission explanation:android.permission.BLUETOOTH,Currently for detect Bluetooth earphone plug inandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE,Detect the incoming phone callandroid.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS,Auto turn on turn off loud speaker, change the TTS volumeandroid.permission.CALL_PHONE,Auto pick up or hang up phone callandroid.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE,Auto pick up or hang up phone call as wellandroid.permission.READ_CONTACTS,Auto read name of the person who make the phone call or SMSandroid.permission.VIBRATE,Vibrate when phone pickup automatically or sensor blocked for morethan 1 secondandroid.permission.RECEIVE_SMS,Auto read SMSandroid.permission.READ_SMS,Auto read SMSandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,Save settingsandroid.permission.INTERNET,Advertisement,only use in setting interface.android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE,Advertisement,only use in setting interface.PS: Please test this apk before you actually use it!!it is not guaranteed to work on all devices.The author takes absolutely no responsibility for damages of anykind resulting from this apk.Pls leave some productive comments or suggestions.
Float Calculator 2.0
v1:A simple calculator support float over most softwareinterfaceyou can adjust the interface size by drag the red dot on bottomright corner.you can minimize the calculator by click left bottom cornericon.you can close the program by click the red dot.v2:new advance functions available!(not support Operator precedence yet)you can access them by click the title bar.support hide window to notification barmore touch friendly
Clock everywhere 10
A transparent clock exist almost everywhere...simple looking and stylish.it is floating on the top of most windowsit is re-sizable and movablethe time is as accurate as your phone!innovative turn on time telling option can tell you time whenturnon the device and meanwhile cover the screen(ideal for tellingyoutime at night or telling the time when phone is inyourpocket)Now you can choose whatever dail and hands for your clock by puttheresources under "/mnt/sdcard/Fonts" and renamethem"cDail.png","hHour.png" and "hMinu.png" respectively for dailhourhand and minute hand.You can use your own pictures as it is or just use its shape.Press for tts time telling!font changing function add!Simply put your font file(ttf,otf) into"/mnt/sdcard/Fonts"directory and rename it to "myclock.ttf". Thenchange the settingswhen open the program. You can use yourfavourite font for theclockTouch Through option can make the clock untouchable!(thisfunctionwill disable the "press for tts time telling"function)For devices above 4.0 you can also have screen directionlockfunction in your notification.Transparent float clock with time telling function, stylishanduseful
Direction Locker 3
this small apk can be used to change thescreendirection and lock the screen directionIn manual mode, you can change the screen direction simply byslideyour finger across the lock iconslide up->portrait screenslide right->right landscape screenslide down-> anti portrait screenslide left-> left landscape screenNoteFrom now on, for devices over 4.0 "clock every where" havethedirection lock function in the notification bar
float window cal adversion 2.0
the ad version of float windowcalculator
ToDo List widget 2.0
This is a To Do List Widget for floatwindownotepad.It is free of charge. free of ad. Just for efficiencyYou can easily put your text file into the list and read thefilewith float window notepad (Pin it function for both pro andfreeversion).You can sort the list by priority, file name, file create timeandadd into list time.You can choose to show/hide text by edit the list.You can remove the file from the list by using float windownotepador edit the list (This will not actually delete the file onyoursdcard, only remove from the list )You can give me further suggestions as well.Free! no Ad! enjoy it!