eMagCreator Apps

L’Escale Nautique 2.0
Magazine nautique publié trimestriellement auQuébec couvrant la voile, le motonautisme, les destinations decroisière, des sujets techniques, l’histoire maritime et lesnouvelles nautiques locales. L’abonnement comprend un numérohors-série, le Guide du Tourisme Nautique, publié et remis à jourchaque année au mois de mai. Ce guide de navigation couvre lefleuve Saint-Laurent et les principales voies navigables duQuébec.Boating magazinepublished quarterly in Quebec covering sailing, boating, cruisedestinations, technical issues, maritime history and the new localwater. The subscription includes a special issue, the NauticalTourism Guide, published and updated annually in May. Thisnavigation guide covers the St. Lawrence River and major waterwaysof Quebec.
Revista Chilena de Nutrición 1.0
Con este App Usted podrá:Navegar libremente através de los últimos tres números de laRevista Chile de la Revista Chilena de NutriciónAcceso a una página para revisar las publicaciones anterioresRecibir notificaciones a su móvil sobre las últimas noticiasconcernientes a la publicaciónEnviar correos electrónicos para realizar consultasWith this App you can:Browse freely Through the last three issues of the Journal ofthe Chilean Chile Journal of NutritionAccess to a page to review previous publicationsReceive notifications to your mobile on the latest news concerningthe publicationSend emails to query
Revista Médica de Chile 3.3.2
Abra la revista en AndroidUsted podrá:- Abrir los últimos 12 números- Compartir con sus redes sociales- Contactar a los autoresOpen the magazine inAndroidYou can:- Open the last 12 numbers- Share with your social networks- Contact the authors
Science & Solutions 3.1
This is the official app for the magazine“Science & Solutions”.Features include:- Latest issues of “Science & Solutions” (also availableoffline when downloaded)- Integrated access to the BIOMIN website optimized for smartphonesand tablets- BIOMIN Newsfeed- Push notifications to help you stay updated (optional)“Science & Solutions” is a monthly publication of BIOMIN,distributed free-of-charge to customers and partners. Each issue of“Science & Solutions” presents topics on the most currentscientific insights in animal nutrition and health with a focus onone species (poultry, swine, ruminants or aquaculture) everyquarter.
Revista da CAASP 1.0
A Revista da CAASP reúne reportagens,entrevistas e artigos que priorizam os interesses doleitor-advogado. Concebida para os meios digitais, pode serfolheada na tela do computador e lida com a mesma qualidade emtablets e smartphones, ou mesmo baixada em PDF. Bimestralmente, aRevista da CAASP é enviada para o e-mail dos mais de 300 milprofissionais inscritos na OAB-SP. Todas as edições podem serconsultadas a qualquer tempo no site da Caixa de Assistência dosAdvogados de São Paulo (www.caasp.org.br).The Journal of CAASPgathers reports, interviews and articles that prioritize theinterests of the reader-lawyer. Designed for digital media, can beplated on the computer screen and deal with the same quality intablets and smartphones, or downloaded in PDF. Bimonthly, theJournal of CAASP is sent to the e-mail addresses of more than300,000 registered professionals in the OAB-SP. All editions can beconsulted at any time on the site the Assistance of Lawyers of SãoPaulo (www.caasp.org.br).
Ultimate Fishing Books 2.2.6
Books for successful saltwater fishing, inEnglish and German language written by the expert Jürgen Oeder. -Everything about the biology, distribution, identification andcatching of numerous fish species from swordfish to groupers.Proven fishing techniques from the past and new ones from big gameto fishing with jigs or poppers, a lot of information about thebest fishing destinations around the world. Also special issuessuch as "Fishing in the Mediterranean" or "Fishing undersail."Sections of the seven volume "Ultimate Bluewater Game Fishing" bookhave been published or are in planning.Vol. 1 BillfishEverything anglers want to know about the ten billfish from marlinto spearfish: hunting behavior and bait selection are topics aswell as tips on the best fishing grounds and the right equipment.With videos!Vol. 2 TunaWether bluefin, big eye or dogtooth tuna, the 11 most importantspecies of tuna are presented here, along with their distribution,biology and the special techniques to catch them.Vol. 3 SharksFrom white sharks to sixgill sharks: 12 species of sharks - and anappeal to spare them.Vol. 4 Tarpon & CoFrom African pompano and giant trevally to tarpon and wahoo. 20strong fighters on light tackle are presented.Vol. 5 Grouper, snapper and exotic speciesWhoever is underway with jigs or poppers can't get around thischapter. It presents 71 species and the keys for identifyingthem.Vol. 6 Tackle & technologyThe best of the best. Everything about the right device forsuccess. Rigging for marlin and other lures, trolling patterns,rigging of natural bait fish, bait and switch, how to move in thefighting chair, stand-up fishing, speed jigging, fishing withpoppers, knots, and much more!Vol. 7 DestinationsAn angler's dream come true. The 60 best destinationsworldwide.Excerpts from the books already published can be found here:http://www.ultimatefishingbooks.com/books/
Congreso 1.0
Este App permite publicar lostrabajoscientíficos presentados en el Congreso Chilenos de MedicinaInternadel presente año, el programa del congreso y otrasinformacionespertinentes. Esta aplicación está orientada hacia losparticipantesde este congreso y para cualquier persona con interéscientíficopor los trabajos que se presentan ene esta actividad, queestáauspiciada y organizada por la Sociedad Médica deSantiago.This App allowsscientiststo publish papers presented at the Chilean Congress ofInternalMedicine this year, the conference program and otherrelevantinformation. This application is oriented towards theparticipantsof this conference and for anyone with scientificinterest in thework that Jan presented this activity, which issponsored andorganized by the Medical Society of Santiago.
Effektivt Landbrug 1.5
Læs nyheder fra Effektivt Landbrug. Ved køb afabonnement på vores webavis kan vores mobile udgave af avisen læsespå din mobile enhed. Avisen kan også åbnes på vores websitewww.effektivtlandbrug.dk. Der kræves login for at læse avisen.Kontakt vores abonnementsafdeling på 70 15 12 37.Read news from EfficientAgriculture. When purchasing subscription to our webavis our mobileversion of the newspaper read on your mobile device. The newspapercan also be accessed on our website www.effektivtlandbrug.dk. Loginrequired to read the newspaper. Contact our subscription departmenton 70 15 12 37th
EK servicegroup 4.0
EK/servicegroup – Begeistert handeln!Die ganze EK Welt in einer App! Exklusiv fürunsereHandelspartner. Erfahren Sie alles über unser Unternehmen,unsereerfolgreichen Shopkonzepte unsere attraktiven Warenangeboteundbehalten Sie alle Termine im Blick. ObUnternehmensfilm,Konzeptbroschüre oder Kataloge – unsere Anwendunghält für Sie eineVielzahl an Informationen bereit, die Sie beiIhrer täglichenArbeit unterstützen.EK / service group-passion!The whole world EK in one app! Exclusively for ourtradingpartners. Learn all about our company, our successfulstoreconcepts our attractive product offers and keep allappointments ata glance. Whether corporate film, brochure orcatalog design - ourapplication considers a variety of informationthat will supportyou in your daily work.
Sunbites Cook Book 4.0
Get your FREE Sunbites Flavour KitchenCookBook App with a stunning collection of Sunbites-inspiredrecipescreated by our lovely flavour ambassadors that allows ahome-chefof any culinary level to cook up a treat. With 26 trulybrilliantrecipe suggestions, why not get cooking straightaway!
Gartenkatalog 2.1
Die Holz-Speckmann Garten-App stellt Ihnen unseren umfassendenGartenkatalog zum Blättern und viele Informationen rund um dieThemen Boden, Türen und Garten zur Verfügung.
U20 Championship TOP 1.2
This is the App for the World RugbyJuniorWorld Championship Terms of Participation and relateddocuments.For use by the Participating Unions and Tournament Staff.Contentis password protected.
E-Golf & Vinmagasin 1.0
Scandinavian Golf udgiver dette golf- ogvinmagasin hver måned.Det er fyldt med spændende nyt fra både golfens og vinens verden,ogdet er gratis.Scandinavian Golfpublishthis golf and wine magazine every month.It's filled with interesting news from both golf and the worldofwine, and it's free.
medienerleben.de - Die Zeitung 2.0
Erleben Sie App-solute Top-News!Sie wollen stets auf den neuesten Stand gebracht werden, wasdieNachrichten aus Ihrer Region betrifft und das jederzeit undvonüberall aus? Dann haben Sie mit dieser App die richtigeWahlgetroffen! 24 Stunden am Tag informieren wir Sie mit denneuestenNachrichten aus den Regionen Limburg und Umgebung,Rhein-Lahn,Koblenz und Westerwald. Zusätzlich haben Sie Zugriff aufdieOnline-Version Ihrer Zeitung. Außerdem erleichtert IhnendasBranchenbuch die Suche nach den Top-Dienstleistern ausIhrerUmgebung!
Yngre Læger: Er din tid OK? 3
Yngre Læger - er din tid OK? erenmobilapplikation som hjælper Yngre Læger med at holde styr på,hvormange timer man arbejder i hver normperiode og samtidig hjælpermedat kontrollere, om ens vagtplan overholder overenskomsten. Fåbl.a.styr på overarbejde, antal fridage og om du har for mangevagter.Du opretter blot en profil og indtaster oplysningerne iditvagtskema. Du kan derefter opdatere med afvigelser fra planenogdermed løbende følge med i, om planlægningen og udførelsenafarbejdet sker efter reglerne. Oplysningerne kan ogsåeksporterestil din kalender.Junior Doctors - yourtimeis OK? is a mobile application that helps Junior Doctors keeptrackof how many hours you work each standard period, and helpstocontrol whether your roster comply with the agreement. Forexample,get track of overtime, number of days off and if you havetoo manyguards.Simply create a profile and enter the information inyourtime-table. You can then update with deviations from the planandthus the line-up, on the planning and execution of the work donebythe rules. The information can also be exported toyourcalendar.
Hillsea Real Estate 2.0
Hillsea Real Estate is your Northern GoldCoastlocal agent. We specialise in Residential Sales &PropertyManagement. Will you list with Hillsea we advertise yourpropertyfor FREE whether it is sold or withdrawn. Stay up-to-datewith ourlatest listings through three specialised e-books at aclick of abutton. Easy Contact Us by phone or email
nu1 1.0
This magazine is a mission. It is about now.Wedo not live in duality anymore but we are all ONE. We have to beinour strength in our female energy. We made this world so we canmakea different and a better world. We only have to remember whywe areon earth for. The women will show the way for everybody. Thewritersall have a passion for all what is and the big change rightnow. Wewant to connect the writers with the readers. Together wecansupport the big change. So connect with us!
IRB Women's Rugby World Cup 1.0
This is the app for the IRB Women's RugbyWorldCup Terms of Participation and related documents. For use bytheParticipation Unions and Tournament Staff. Content ispasswordprotected.
Glass Expansion Catalog 2.1
Glass Expansion Catalog of ICP-OES/ICP-MS supplies and accessories
West IP Communications 3.0
Mobile Connect delivers a powerful setoffeatures that converges the services of desktop handsetservicewith an Android phone, allowing for single-numbercontact.
Rotating Equipment eCatalog 1.1
The Chesterton Rotating Equipment Solutionsinteractive eCatalog provides a quick overview of our comprehensiveoffering of mechanical seals, pump packing, environmental controlsystems, lip seals, rotary seals, and more. These solutions are foroptimal performance to help improve equipment reliability andreduce energy and labor costs to advance your company's competitiveposition in the marketplace.
Congreso 2016 1.1.2
En este App se publican conferencias y trabajos expuestos el XXXVIICongreso Chileno de Medicina Interna 2016, a realizarse el 20, 21 y22 de Octubre en el Hotel Intercontinental.
eAACB 2.2
eAACB is the mobile version of our eMag application to allow youtoaccess the electronic publications of the AACB (e.g. eCBN)whereand when you like.
KM Kinley Marketing P/L 1.0.2
KM Kinley Marketing Pte Ltd is a equipment supplier,manufacturer,and international marketer of Confined Spaceventilation, SurfacePreparation , and Safety Tools for the marine,industrial,offshore, refinery, and construction industries. KMKinleyMarketing encompasses an incredibly wide and diverse rangeofproducts, brands, and clients. From product like Pneumatic JetFansto Hydroblasting cleaning Guns, the company has become wellknow asa key distribution centre in Asia for International brands,such asTexas Pneumatic tools ( USA), Cengar (UK), InnovativeManufacturing(Canada), ATEXOR ( Finland), Keeen( Thailand),Nightsearcher (UK),and Spartan (UK). We have our own engineeringand production line,as well as full in house testing facilitieswhere we can ensurestrict quality control. We also obtained valueaccreditations likeISO 9001:2008 and Bizsafe 3 and the company ispresently in theprocess of attaining further certification forproducts to be usedin Hazardous environments. This certificationknow as ATEX, willdistinguish our product line segment from thecompetition. We arealso a member of ASMI, IMPA, SMF, SIAA andShipserv to better servethe related industries.
SWR3 Das Magazin 1.9.5
SWR3 Das Magazin ist Radio zum Anfassen! Jetzt gibt’s 60 SeitenSWR3Das Magazin zehn Mal im Jahr auch auf dem Handy und Tablet.Einfachanmelden und SWR3 Das Magazin überall lesen – mitzusätzlichenInfos, Fotogalerien und Videos. Schnelle Information,der besteMusik-Mix, die coolste Comedy und der meiste Spaß: Dafürsteht SWR3.Mit SWR3 Das Magazin erlebt ihr euren LieblingssenderNr. 1 nochnäher. Das Magazin liefert euch Hintergründe zumerfolgreichenSWR3-Mix: Interviews mit den Stars und denNeuentdeckungen derMusikbranche /// Die SWR3-Musikredakteurestellen euch dieNeuerscheinungen vor /// Reportagen zu SWR3-Eventsund SWR3-Reisen/// SWR3 Das Magazin berichtet über Lifestyle-,Internet- undMultimedia-Trends /// Außerdem gibt’s für euchRatgeber-Themen zuAuto und Verkehr /// Ihr wollt wissen, was ineurer Nähe los ist?Wir haben die neuesten Kinostarts sowieVeranstaltungen inBaden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz für euch –Clubmitglieder sindwie immer günstiger am Start /// Clubber habenin jeder Ausgabeexklusiv die Gewinnchance auf Tickets,handsignierte CDs, Reisen,Führungen durchs SWR3-Studio u. v. m.Alle Nicht-Mitglieder könnenSWR3 Das Magazin per App kostenlos undunverbindlich Probe lesen.Ihr wollt Clubmitglied werden? Dannfüllt das Formular in der Appaus oder geht auf SWR3club.de undsichert euch alle Vorteile – undseid günstiger bei Konzerten,Festivals und SWR3-Veranstaltungen amStart!