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IQ test free in English 2.1
This test aims to measure the personal IQ.Their results are merely indicative and are reliable only for thefirst time you perform.The only material allowed is pencil and paper.The test consists of 40 questions, with a time limit of 20 minutes,which will begin counting when you press the START button. At theend of time will show the summary of results.If you find a difficult question, leave unanswered and goes to thenext by pressing the NEXT button.GOOD LUCK AND ENJOY!keywords: test, test intelligence, iq test, iq, ci, coefficient,intellectual coefficient, intelligence quotient, english.
Test del amor y calculadora 1.10
Descubre si tu relación va por el buen caminocon las preguntas de nuestro Test del amor. Responde con sinceridada las preguntas que se te muestrán y al completar el test sabrás sitodo está bien o hay algún problema.Además podrás calcular tu compatibilidad con otra persona, vuestrosnúmeros de la suerte, personalidad, y vuestro tipo de relación,actual o futura. Para ello usamos la Numerología, una técnica deadivinación basada en los números que se remonta a la AntiguaGrecia. Quienes conocen a fondo esta disciplina saben que en de losnúmeros se esconde la verdad y buscan las relaciones místicas quehay entre los números, los seres vivos y las fuerzas físicas yespirituales.Podrás compartir los resultados con quien quieras a través deFacebook, Twitter , Whatsapp, SMS, etc...Divierte experimentando!!!keywords: test del amor, prueba, amor, numerologia, compatibilidad,relación, calculadora, calculadora del amor, pareja.Find out if yourrelationship is on the right track with our test questions of love.Answer truthfully to questions that show you complete the test andyou'll know if everything is OK and there is a problem.Also you can calculate your compatibility with another person, yourlucky numbers, personality, and your type of relationship, presentor future. To do this we use Numerology, a technique of divinationbased on the numbers that can be traced back to Ancient Greece.Those who know know that this discipline background in numbershides the truth and seek mystical relationship between numbers,living things and the physical and spiritual.You can share the results with friends via Facebook, Twitter,Whatsapp, SMS, etc ...Have fun experimenting!keywords: test of love test, love, numerology, compatibility,relationship, calculator, love, family.