Havoc256 Apps

Bluetooth Management Free 1.0.6
Automatically enables the Bluetooth whenmakinga call or receiving a call and sets a disablement timer toturn offthe Bluetooth when the call is completed to help save onbatterylife.Unlike similar applications Bluetooth Management allows theuserto choose how long the Bluetooth should stay on each timeitenables the Bluetooth. Bluetooth Management displays a timer inthenotification letting you know exactly how long before itwilldisable the Bluetooth. This gives the user the ability tocancelthe timer to keep the Bluetooth enabled.Custom timers allow you to set a specific time on how longtheBluetooth should stay on if a Bluetooth Headset or Device isnotconnected. So if you don't have your Headset with you, it canturnoff the Bluetooth before your call ends saving yourpreciousbattery life.Special options like "Stay Connected" will keep your Bluetoothonafter your Headset has connected even after your call ends.Thiswill allow you make another call or jump back to playingmusicwithout having to reconnect your headset.Bluetooth Management is also aware of wired headsets. Ifitdetects that a wired headset with microphone is connected atthetime of a call, it won't bother turn on the Bluetooth.Most importantly Bluetooth Management wants to help you saveyourbattery life. It monitors the device for when it reaches acriticalbattery level and can stop automatically turning on yourBluetoothand even disable it even if you have a Bluetooth headsetconnected.Unlike some other similar applications BluetoothManagement does notcreate any long running services to monitoryour device. So it won’tbe eating up precious CPU and Battery byrunning thisapplication.Please submit bugs and [email protected] Version has more options!-Stay Connected (Keeps Bluetooth on when a headsetisconnected)-Auto on when charging-Custom timer length-Manually cancel disable timer-Disable Bluetooth when battery is low-Turn off toast pop-ups-Turn off the notification icon