ForCraft Apps

Mod New Iron Hero for MCPE 1.1
If you like Iron Hero then mod for MinecraftPEyou will love and with it you can get his armor and allabilities.When you put it on the armor, you will get theopportunity to movequickly, and will continue to see virtuallyinvulnerable. Inaddition to the reservation you will be availableand other gadgetsin the game Minecraft PE through which playbecomes much moreinteresting and fun.ID objects and craft:Super Power Boost (471) - 6 carbon blocks + 1 + 2 diamondblockRedstonRed Iron (474) - 1 red rose + 1 Iron BarArmor (322) - 8 red iron + 1 super power boostPunch (472) - 5 red iron + 1 super power boost + 3 RedstonRocket (478) - 3 TNTs + 1 super power boost + 3 red iroBullets (373) - 3 arrows + 1 super power boost + 3 red ironBack To Original Skin (327) - 1 stoneHow to put on the armor?First crafted armor set and then tapnite her on the groundandthen it will be activated and you will be able to get all ofitsflight capacity, fast running and much more.Once you will be a full armor set you can begin to craftothergadgets that will greatly improve your ability.If you like all ignite and explode, then the Rocket gunforyou.The Bullets - this similarity machine has verygoodskorostelnostyu.If you like to kill all with one blow and you do not like alongtime battles gadget Punch gadget definitely will youprefer.What activate super mode of fashion Iron Hero for MinecraftPE,click the lower right corner of the screen of your phoneortablet.
Machinery Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you do not have enough in the gameMinecraftPE various transport, both civilian and military, whileMech modadds to the game five different vehicles, since the tankand endingplanes. Each of them has its own characteristics, by caryou candrive fast on the ground, a bulldozer can quickly breakblocks, thetank can shoot the TNT blocks, and the aircraft willallow quickaccess by air to any point on the map.Mech Mod for Maynkraft PE will allow you to greatly diversifythegameplay, so you'll not only be able to move quickly todifferentparts of the map, but also to protect his house and mine,using thetank.How to use the mode of transport?The first thing you need is a basic crafted items, fashion isthekey (ID: 1000) and fuel (ID: 1001). Without these items, youwillnot be able to start and drive any of the above vehicles.Onceyou've crafted keys, fuel and direct one of the cars tofashion,you will need to take it in hand and tapnut her on theground.
Too Many Tool Mod for MCPE 1.1
Mod TooManyItems will allow you toplayMinecraft PE 0.9.5 and 0.10.0 to receive an unlimited number ofallblocks that you need. With it, play becomes easier andmoreinteresting. Now you do not need to spend a lot of timesearchingfor relevant units, enough to choose what blocks you needand theirnumber, after which they will appear in your inventory.Justbecause of TMI mode you can use the other modifications thatare asuseful to you in the game.If you get tired or worn items to craft in search ofrelevantunits across the game world, Pocket Edition, then this modfor sureyou will like it and help you get rid of the routineactivitiesthat tire
Godzilla Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you think the game Maynkraft PE noworthyopponent for you, then install the mod Godzilla and fightwith thisgiant lizard using a new weapon. As you can see in thegame modadds a huge, evil lizard, called Godzilla, moreover youwill beavailable just two of their kind. Each of them has its ownuniqueabilities and requires a special approach in the battle.To defeat these monsters in the game Minecraft PE you needaspecial weapon, which can be found in the archive withthemodification. His power should be enough, that would defeatthisgiant lizard and save thousands of lives.How to summon Godzilla?Unfortunately they do not appear in the game world, and thatwouldadd to the game, you will need two eggs spawn that should beaddedto your inventory using ToolBox modes.Egg Appeal Godzilla (1500)Appeal Egg Burning Godzilla (1501)After calling one of them, he immediately begins toattackeverything that he sees, and destroying everything in itspath. Ifyou use conventional egg Appeal Godzilla, then you will seea greenlizard the size of a skyscraper.
Super ToolKit 4 Mod for MCPE 1.1
Potion Effect: add remove effects.Smart Moving: flight mode switch, sprint and sneak.Timing game mode changes.Too Many Items: opportunity to receive blocks and objects withasimple and user-friendly menu.Spawn Entity: Spawn monsters and animals.Text commands (for example: gamespeed,coords - moreteamsmore).Block Printer: print the image in Minecraft PE.STK data: Display real-time statistics.Health Indicator: health indicator - displayed by default (colorcanbe customized).As you can see, it's really useful tools,which are assembled in a modification that will simplifytheinstallation processand you no longer need to download a few mods that wouldgetthem
Helicopter Mod for MCPE 1.1
This mod adds a helicopter and otherusefultechnique to move. To use any of the types of equipment tobeadded, in addition to the equipment you need fuel and key.Anotheradvantage of the technology in the fashion that it works100% - thetank and the airplane can fire and a bulldozer destroyseverythingin its path. Download mode on the helicopter forMinecraft 0.13.1is very simple, and the benefits from its usesimply phenomenal.The technique that adds events:HelicopterTankAircraftBulldozerA carA bike
Green Hero Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you love watching movies or cartoonsbyMarvel Studios then you know exactly Hulk thanks to fashionTheHULK MOD Minecraft PE each player can turn to him and gainnewstrength. After you install the mod you will need to createthearmor of the Hulk, which will allow you to turn into thismonsterand get all his abilities in Minecraft PE. In addition totheenormous power which endow you with new armor and appearanceshewill make the game character is practically invulnerable,becausehe will have 1000 heart health.ID items and crafting recipes:Hulk-Armor (ID: 500) - 1 + 1 diamond helmet diamond bib + 1 +1diamond leggings boots diamond emerald + 1 unit.Turns into the HulkWhat would turn into the Hulk in the game Minecraft PocketEditionyou have crafted armor, how to do this, see above. Afterthat, takeit in hand and tapnite it on the ground that would wear.Afterthat, your character skin will change color to green, but fromallclothes only shorts will be on you.After the conversion process is fully completed will be gladyouhave new abilities are sure to be useful to you. For example,whenyou hit the ground beneath you will be an explosion andareforwarding into the sky, so you'll have a super power and killanymob with a single blow. Last events that will give you The HULKMODin MCPE is invulnerable, after you put the armor you will have1000health heart that is almost comparable to immortality.
Diamond Portal Mod for MCPE 1.1
Diamond Portal will build a portal ofthediamonds in the Pocket Edition game and use it to move in agameworld a huge amount of diamonds. This portal has theoppositeeffect if the usual portals you can move to anotherlocation, thisportal is able to move the diamonds from anotherspace today. Ifyou are experiencing acute shortage of diamonds thenthis mod isideal for you and allow a few minutes to get a hugeamount ofdiamonds, which will be enough for a long time, there willbe somuch that you can build a house of diamonds.How to build a portal?To create a portal, you will need 14 diamond blocks that mustbeplaced as shown in the picture. The entire constructionprocesswill take you no more than one minute and it will cope withanyplayer Minecraft PE.When you have to be ready portal of fashion Diamond Portalyouwill need to activate it, because without activation, itisabsolutely useless. To activate it grab a flint and tapnitetheminto an empty space between the diamond blocks.When activated portal with diamonds MCPE all around you turnintodiamonds. Any breed which was next to the open portal tobecome adiamond ore, and if there are trees nearby, they willconsistentirely of diamond blocks.If you want to change the world in the Pocket Edishn and makeita fully diamond, it is necessary in the settings of the game tosetthe maximum value in "Range rendering," and then activatetheportal and the world around you will consist entirelyofdiamonds.
Selfi Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you would like to be able to do selfiegameMinecraft PE, as well as in the PC version, then Selfie eventswillbe very useful for you. With it, the game interface will appearonthe new button "F5", when clicked, the camera will change thegamein such a way that you could make your character selfie andshareit with your friends.Especially Selfie mode will be useful for those players whomadetheir own unique skin and want to show it to everyone. To dothis,just turn on the review of the third party and press the"F5"key..
Horse Racing for MCPE 1.1
Here's a fun card for all users whohavereceived the latest version. This card is great races , whichcanplay up to 16 players at once . This is a really good mini-gametosee who of your friends is the best rider.It's a pretty big race track and you can do a few lapstopractice before the real race
Dimension Begin MCPE 1.1
If you are not afraid of difficulties andareready for any number of tests, then download and install thecardDimension Begin where you will find more than 50 differenttests.For the most part they will be that you will have to fightwith avariety of mobs and win, but as you will have to wait andquitesophisticated tests that will make any player sweat.On some levels you will have to pass the mazes, and a fewminuteslater you have a high speed to overcome various obstaclesusing allhis skills of Parkour.Map Game for Minecraft PE
Tomb Crafter Mod for MCPE 1.1
Tomb Crafter Egypt for Minecraft PE isanadventure to create a map that inspired the author of the gameTombRider. Your mission is to risk my life to go study in theoldtemple and find the ancient (and possibly magical) artifactknownas helmet Tutankhamun. Throughout your journey you will waitavariety of tests, ranging from parkour and ending with a varietyofdeadly traps, getting in that you probably say goodbye tolife.Youhave been sent on a mission to Egypt, whose goal is to findthelost time Tutankhamun's helmet. It is believed that who wearsthehelmet has divine powers, which can not be compared is not oneofthe famous magic items/
Betterquarry Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you are tired to dig mines in thegameMinecraft PE then Better Quarry modes allow you to createautomaticbat outdoors and produce useful materials quickly. Theessence ofthis mode is as follows, you choose a flat area on themap inMinecraft PE and set her career, and then bet on the Run boxinwhich to collect all mined materials and start the process againin16 seconds will remove the layer of earth thick in one block.ID blocks and recipes for crafting:- Quarry Block (Block careers) (215) - 2 redstone dusts (red dust)+1 gold ingot (gold bar) + 3 iron ingots (ingot iron) + 1diamondpickaxe (diamond pickaxe)- Quarry Limiter (Limiter career) (216)- Quarry Drill (Drill quarry) (217) To establish careers inthefirst place you need to create a block of career, you will findtherecipe above. Now find flat land area and set it on the block,thenthe fence will drel.Dalshe and we will have to put the chest ontheblock start a career doing it certainly is not necessary,butotherwise all the mined resources will simply lie on the ground,sowe still recommend that you install the trunk, or better yetagreat sunduk.Chto would enable careers grab a pickaxe andanytapnite her start on the block - this one block on which we putthechest to collect materialov.Posle how the quarry was run canbesent about their business, and then come back to it and pick upallthe extracted resources. Now the game Pocket Edition, you nolongerhave to collect resources in hand, simply install the modBetterQuarry and run their own, automated quarry, which willdoeverything for you.
Funny Weapons Mod for MCPE 1.1
The Funny Weapons Mod adds a bunch ofcrazilyweird weapons to Minecraft Pocket Edition. Some of themincludeexplosive chickens, a laser gun and a kitty bomb. It’s by nomeansrealistic but that’s what makes the mod unique and fun touse.Although they are all weird in their own ways each weapon isinsome way quite useful.
Divine RPG Mod for MCPE 1.1
The mod adds to the game a lot of newthings(which you will not find in the vanilla version), suchas:weaponBossesBlocksOreAnd much more!From the outset, you have to be crafted stone eyes (5 pcs.).Nextyou need to make a special post to defeat the first boss. Fromitwill drop 5 blocks. They will need to spawn a new boss (who isevenstronger). Weapons and armor you can make a new ore, which isinmine. Well that's all, we can only download and play.
Pixelmount Mod for MCPE 1.1
Many of you know of such creatures aspokemon.Turned out to be quite interesting and thoughtful. Usingthe mod,you will see in the game a huge number of new creatures,all ofthem will be the analogs existing in the universe of theJapanesecartoon pokemon. To call the pokemon you can using aspecial PokéBall (ID 510).
Photo Effects for Prisma Unoff 2.3.7
Be an Artist! Turn your photos intocoolartworks:+ Modern art filters!+ Stunning photo effects+ Fast sharingThe effects of Prisma are:- to improve quality of the picture;- to add text over the photo;- brighten your teeth;- remove acne;Key Features:+ One-tap auto enhance+ Color balance+ Crop, rotate, and straighten your photo+ Adjust brightness, contrast, color temperature,andsaturation+ Sharpen and blur+ Color temperature ("Warmth")+ Color Splash+ Focus (Tilt Shift)+ Draw and add text+ Share to social networkThis is not an official Prisma app.
Extra Boots for MCPE 1.1
Mod Extra boots adds new super shoesinMinecraft PE! They are not just beautiful, but also adds eachpairof shoes you have the ability, for example - jumping,speed,walking on water, the immune system and so on. How to get the shoes?in a creative mode, you'll find them in your inventory, or inthesurvival craft through the toolbox or shoes you willfindbelow
Furniture Mod for MCPE 1.1
Do not deny yourself the pleasure to sit inacomfortable chair, after a hard day of miner! As you know - isamod furniture for Minecraft 0.13.1 and besides the alreadyeverydaythings like tables and chairs, there is even a computer. IDobjectsI unfortunately do not have, but you can add them if youjust go tothe creative - only about 10 objects available
Ghost City Map for MCPE 1.1
Construction of this card began about ayearago. Since this card was one of the biggest in the worldofMinecraft PE, which was created manually. Every part of thecityimbued with a unique architectural design, which is notrepeatedanywhere else.On this map, the huge house and a wonderfulfull-fledgedinfrastructure of the city. Hospitals, schools, firedepartments -is part of the many organizations that are on themap
Bat Simulator Mod for MCPE 1.1
Mod Bat Simulator adds to the game MinecraftPEability to instantly turn into a bat with a single click.Afterinstalling the mod on the right side of the screen you willhave abutton, clicking on which will start the process oftransformation.The only condition is that you need to comply withthis flightmode, to do this, go into the creative mode or turn onhis team /fly.
Random Block Mod for MCPE 1.1
Random Block Mod for Minecraft PE isdesignedto create blocks that will give the player a randomsubjects,whenever you destroy it. After you create a block, youneed to putit in any convenient place to break, and then on theground therewill be random objects such as diamonds, gold, weaponsand more.But if you were not so lucky, then you are waiting for thecrowdmobs rain from TNT and many other non-issues that will fall onyourhead with the mod Random Block.Maud is a kind of well-known lottery, in which you can get alotof money, but in this case if luck turns away from you, youaremost likely going to die."
Dragon Mount Mod for MCPE 1.1
Mod Dragon Mounts for Minecraft PE will addtothe game Dragons, which you can tame and even ride on them.Dragonwill be faithful to your companion on any journey and willallowmuch faster to travel long distances in a short time. JustfashionDragon Mounts for Minecraft PE will be accessible sevendifferentdragons from fiery dragon and finishing diamond. All thedragonswill have a different appearance, so you can at any timechangeyour pet when your old one is already tired of you. Inaddition,you can feel like a real dragon breeder who will growthesemythical creatures from the eggs, and then watch hisgrowth.How to grow a dragon The first thing you need is an empty egg andalarge aviary where you'll grow your pets
Wyvern Mod for MCPE 1.1
Wyvern - you are bored dogs and cats? Youneedan unusual pet? What's the problem - tame wyvern!This mod adds to your game a new species of reptiles - wyvern.Itis a hostile monster. If you dare to fight with her, then thedeathof the dragon is a chance that the egg can fall. As you mayhaveguessed from the eggs and can bring new scaly friend! Wyvernsaredifferent colors, but they are drawn to each scale. Thestrongestare Wyvern white and black, because they have great speedandincredible strength. Find these creatures can be in hell. Ifyou arenot satisfied with the search, use the egg appeal to thecreativeinventory rezhima.Esli you beat the egg and spawn a baby,you shouldwait a little longer. As soon as he gets older - you canride itwith a breeze!But assuming that you will have a special seat (ID329). If youaretired of the trip, then simply click on the jump button..
Mod Minions World for MCPE 1.1
If you like the minions from the animatedfilm"Despicable Me" Minions then mod for Minecraft PE you will loveandwith it you can call these funny creatures and have fun withthem.They are absolutely friendly and will wander peacefully aroundthegame world, and most importantly they are all different.ThereMignon with one eye, there are two eyes, so they differ fromeachother in height and shape of the body, so that thediversitypredostatochno.Kak cause Minions? What would cause MinionsMinionsin vogue for Maynkraft PE you need to spawn the egg, whichyou willfind in your inventory if you're playing in a creativemode, andsurvival mode, you can add an egg spawn his inventar.Poslehow youwill have an egg, you need to take it in hand and tapnutthem onthe ground, then this place will cute Migno
Ultimate NCPE Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you are tired of playing alone inMinecraftPE then install the Ultimate NPC mod that will allow youto makefriends with people and take them to their journey. Inaddition,they will always follow you, they will help you fightenemies. Inaddition, you can program them asking phrase that theywill talk,and more. Now you will not feel alone, because you willalways findthe right virtual friends from the fashion Ultimate NPCin the gameMaynkraft PE.Vsё that you need is to pick up sticks NPC(ID: 1000)using any inventory editor. After that you can call uponthe NPCand program ih.Vozmozhnosti fashionMaking the NPC to follow you, stand still or wander aroundtheneighborhoodMaking the NPC fight by your side (yes, they know howtofight)Change cues that NPC says when approaching, stroke or deathChange skin NPC. You can give him the appearance of a creeperoreven your favorite videos of the author to YouTube!Add particle effects to the NPC and edit its properties        Now you will bethereal virtual friends, who will always help you in anysituation,help in battle and allow to have fun, and mostimportantly get ridof the main problem - loneliness.
Advance Morphing Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you would like to turn into a mob anditsability to receive events while Advance Morphing help you withthisand you will have access to all images of mobs that areinMinecraft PE. To get the look of a mob you must first beat him,andthen a special menu to choose its appearance, as soon as youturnright you will see all of his abilities.Another interesting feature of the fashion for AdvanceMorphingMaynkraft PE is the possibility to save all image andchange themwhenever you want. For example, if you need to cross theriver, youcan turn into a chicken and fly it, and if you need toget on ahigh, sheer wall, then one better cave spider for thistasknayti.Kak use the mod? After installation, modification on thegameinterface, a new button will appear, it is in the lowerleftcorner. Clicking on it brings you to the menu mode, where youcanturn invisible for hunting mobs and see a full list ofavailabletransformation options.Then get the mob to which you want to turn and kill him. Thisisbest done with enabled stealth feature, which is present inthismodification, because then you will not attack otvet.Dlyaexample,let's turn into residents to take this egg spawn andencourage him,and then we should just kill him and we will be ableto turn tohim.Now we already have a skin for the conversion, and let's trytobecome a more dangerous enemy, for example creeper. Call orcreeperfind and kill him. Then we turn into him and try to blowupsomething.Now you can try to turn into a spider that would gain the abilitytocrawl on walls or cliffs.
Factorization Mod for MCPE 1.1
This mod pack textures that brings realismtothe game and has a resolution of the default texture [16 × 16].Allcolors and designs look very good, and combined with eachother,despite the fact that the low-resolution textures, they havea lotof great parts, which makes it really worthy of yourattention. Inthe archive you can find additional add-ons, whichwill helpfurther improve the graphics of the game, giving the stoneblocksextra brightness and color changes of hardened clay.This mod packtexturesthat brings realism to the game and has a resolution of thedefaulttexture [16 × 16]. All colors and designs look very good,andcombined with each other, despite the fact that thelow-resolutiontextures, they have a lot of great parts, which makesit reallyworthy of your attention. In the archive you can findadditionaladd-ons, which will help further improve the graphics ofthe game,giving the stone blocks extra brightness and color changesofhardened clay.
Waypoint Mod for MCPE 1.1
If you are experiencing problemswithorientation in the game world Minecraft PE then Waypoints Modmodwill allow you to get your own GPS navigator and use it to findtheway back. The essence of fashion is as follows - you'll havetocreate waypoints, then, can include GPS Navigator whichwillindicate the direction in which they are, at one time anavigatorshowing one point in the game Maynkraft PE ifnecessary.After installing the mod Waypoints Mod on the main screen, youwillhave a button with the letter W when clicked, will open amenuwhere you will be offered to create a point, to do this, clickonthe button Сreate waypointOnce you have clicked on Create waypoint in the center of thescreenwill be the field in which you have to enter the name ofthis point,your current location will be indicated on the standardin it, enterany convenient and friendly name for it and click Okthat would addor "Cancel" it would otmenit.Posle, you can click onthe name of thestored point in the top of the screen will be our"GPS navigator" inthe movie is an arrow indicating the directionof the current willact where the waypoint .When you reach theplace where your savepoint, the arrow begins to rotatecontinuously and it will mean thatyou are meste.Howewer navigatorin fashion Waypoints Mod has afeature in which at the time of yourdeath will be automaticallycreated a guiding point, allowing youto quickly look for a place,where died.
Automatic Farms Map for MCPE 1.1
If you like to grow a variety offruits,cereals and vegetables in the game Minecraft PE card then8Automatic Farms what you need. On it you will find eightdifferentfarms that are fully automated. All farm made withRedstone andpistons, which, as you know has appeared in the latestversion ofthe game Maynkraft PE. truss design is quite simple, andeach ofyou will be able to repeat it and create your own, automatedfarmand grow whatever you want.The same card will be interesting to those players who areusedto build complex mechanisms, and because the map 8 AutomaticFarmsquite a few different buildings, many will be able to learnforthemselves, something new.
Dino World Mod for MCPE 1.1
Mod World of Dinosaurs is intended topopulatethe game world Minecraft PE different dinosaurs, but at themomenthe is in the early stages of development and will beavailable toyou only 1 dinosaur. After installing the fashion worldof thedinosaurs in the game Maynkraft PE will be one dinosaur,namely theT-Rex (Tyrannosaurus) that will wander around the gameworld. Whilehe has a pretty limited functionality, but soon thedeveloperspromise to refine it and add new dinosaurs in the game.In thisversion of the mod for World of Dinosaurs TyrannosaurusPocketEdition will be very small and will not appear terrifyingpredatorthat we are all accustomed to see him. In the next versionFashiondinosaurs can feed the family, and the most to increasetheir sizeand make them more fierce and dangerous predators, suchas theybyli.ID items and recipes
Five Nights at Candys Map MCPE 1.1
Five Nights at Candy's hide and seek is amapand a mini game in the style of horror, it is based on the gameofthe same name. The map is an exact copy of the warehouse, inanarea where there is a big part of the game. On this mapforMaynkraft PE is recommended to play at least two of us (andamaximum of four), which one of you must be a seeker. It'sprettydark card, but if you want to add some additionaldifficultiessuggest that you set the display brightness to theminimum, andturn on the sound in the game