Combichat Apps

Invisible Chat for Facebook
Chat on facebook while you stay in invisiblemode to your friends! View and detect the list of all your onlineand idle friends, use it as messenger, but you will look offline toyour facebook friends who are online while you message. Simple,fast and intuitive app!App needs to be one time authorised on facebook which may takelittle time, and requires internet connection on mobile. Use Resetmenu option if you navigate away from the page, or if you get anyerror message.. It hides the last visit. Make sure you turn offchat on facebook if you want to become invisible. This also delaysyour last seen time, or active hours or days ago stamp, but youshould not use any other facebook related apps for that.Invisible Chat para FacebookChatter Invisible pour FacebookInvisible Chat für FacebookInvisível Chat Facebook paraChat invisibile per Facebook
Round off to 5 Clock Widget
Time minutes are rounded off to 5s or 10s. So the time looks tidy!