“VOCAB JAPAN-INDONESIA - FREE” is afreedictionary app which aims to help You learning Japanesepracticallyand efficiently.This is the new interface of “VOCAB JAPAN-INDONESIA - FREE” isafree dictionary app which aims to help You learningJapanesepractically and efficiently.This is the new interface of “VOCAB JAPAN-INDONESIA - FREE″appwhich equipped with pronunciation voice. Thus, studyingtheJapanese pronunciation could be easier. And there is no shameinusing it.This app consist of set of more than 3,000 Japanese wordsandtheir pronunciation, and consist of 3000 Indonesian wordswiththeir pronunciation.this application is created to help You to be more efficientinlearning Japanese.By selecting 3,000 Japanese vocabulary which is often used indailyconversation, and then add the pronunciation record intotheapplication.Vocabularies in this app are divided by categories, so thatuserwill be more convenient in learning daily japanesevocabulary.Moreover, users are able to look for unknown wordsthrough searchfield.This app can be used offline without internet connection.(Except to listen to pronunciation sound feature)Because the pronunciation in Japanese is similar toIndonesian,users can also write using letter in alphabet.In Japanese language learning, You only need to study thepatternof the sentence, and then you only need to memorize a lotofJapanese vocabulary.For early-learners, it may be difficult to memorizeJapanesevocabulary that much.Therefore, with the presence of words grouping by categories,youcan begin to memorize the words from daily uses category.If you live in Japan, you can memorize vocabularies in thisappstep by step, while practice them in everyday life.* This app advantages are:– Japanese daily vocabulary used were carefully selected– Packed with 3,000 Japanese pronunciation and 3,000IndonesianPronunciation sound– Consist of 85 categories of conversation– By using Searching feature, you can instantly find the wordyouwanted to know– Words searching can be done using both alphabet orhiraganaletter– Because it is supported by Google Translate feature, youcanalso translate a long sentence using this app– Important vocabulary can be bookmarked– Font color and background are changeable– The result of translation can be shared via Facebook,email,SNS, and other social media″ app which equipped withpronunciationvoice. Thus, studying the Japanese pronunciation couldbe easier.And there is no shame in using it.# For those of you who want ad-free app, you can buyithere.No ads version