AppAddict Apps

Home Remedies. 1.0
Home Remedies - Sickness, Disease,Cuts, Hurt and Pain - Cures that have evolvedthrough time and experience with theuse of herbs, spices and other ingredientsfrom nature to overcome Health threats.Are you looking for a non-invasive, drug-freealternative to medication for your family?This App gives you natural solutions forHealth problems. You will learn precisemethods and proceedures through …Blogs - updated informationWebsites - Experts in this fieldFB - the experiences and curesStores - to check out ingredientsand so much more…Download this Free App and you have aconstant guide for all your future HealthIssues…
Disaster Survival. 1.0
Overwhelming! Have you seen the changein our world and how it seems like uncontrollableevents are affecting our lives with devastatingresults? Tornados, Earthquakes, Hurricanes,Floods, Tsunamis… we have no warning andmany predictions are that these disasters willbecome more and more frequent.Experts say our only defence is to be prepared!This Free App will get you started with helpfrom experts on how the stock food, gathertools, learn how to survive when there isno other help available…Information throughWebsites, Blogs, Videos, Rss Feeds, FBand so much more to keep you safe!Download this free App and start to live,knowing you are prepared…
Mediterrean Diet Tips. 1.0
Looking Great & Feeling Really Good?Would you if you could??Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen: Stay lean on Mediterranean dietA growing body of research continues to provethat eating a diet rich in plant foods and healthyis good for you.This 'Free' App will show you how to shed thoseunwanted pounds and give your body naturaldelicious meals to let our bodiesbe slim, feel fabuleous and thrive with superior healthto deal with disease and let you live 'feelin good'…This App gives you -Mediterranean Diet - NEWSMediterranean Diet - THE DIETMediterranean Diet - RECIPESMediterranean Diet - Slideshow, Mayo ClinicGet started NOW - get this 'free' App!Live your dream!!Dr. Oz & Dr. Roizen: Stay lean on Mediterranean dietA growing body of research continues to prove that eating a dietrich in plant foods and healthy fats is good for you. Studies showthat following a Mediterranean diet protects against thedevelopment of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, some types ofcancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease --and also leads to a longer lifespan.Similarities include a reliance on plant foods such asvegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts, olives, and oliveoil along with some cheese, yogurt, fish, poultry, eggs, and wine.These foods form the basis of the plan and provide thousands ofmicronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber thatwork together to protect against chronic disease.
Horse Tips U. 1.0
Welcome to Horse Tips University 4 HorseLovers.This Free App - Horse Tips U. - is loadedwith everything you could ever want to knowfrom 'what to name your horse to training anddealing with behavior problems'..This Free App brings you -Websites - Unlocking Pedigree questions,Breeding Aspects… What name is right?Videos - Learn from the expertsBlogs - The Horse Owners share their experienceand knowledge…How-to everything 'Horse'RSS Feeds to keep you current in the Horse WorldTraining Your Horse.. When to start totreats for success…Download this Free App now… it will giveyou more love for your beautiful Horseand teach you so much, he will love you morein return…
Work at Home Tips. 1.0
9AM! Hmm... still in your PJs? Well, hit the'on' for the computer and letsgrab a cup of coffee.. it's time to get to work!! But... onlybecause youWORK AT HOME and yes, this is Your schedule!You now work for you... no boss, no commuting, no expenses fortraveling,day-care, dog sitters or house cleaners. And you can even sneak ina coupleof minutes for a breath of fresh air as you take your break out inthe garden.Life is good! You are there to be with your kids everyday. You havetime tolive and enjoy your precious family.And this App will help you get established, give you advice forbalancing yournew freedom with your productive side so you can successfully livethis dream.We give you -- guide to Work-at-Home possibilities..- Start your own Business- Jobs you can do from home- advice - how to balance your home life and your work- how to adjust and be successful- videos - Pick your vocation- Experts - Advice on how to made this work for you andfor your family including 'work-at-home Couples'- Free Expert E-BooksThis App will show you how to live this 'dream'.Download it now!
Dog Food - Food or What?. 1.0
My Best Friend is Hungry! What do I feedhim?What is good for him? Kibble, dehydrated,canned, raw? What is in this stuff? So manyalternatives and so many opinions..This Free App - will give youanswers to all your questions and some ofthe material may shock you. As I delvedeeper into this Industry of Pet Food, suddenlyit became vitally important that I face thetruth so I can protect his life…By downloading this Free App, you will getfactual, informative information in easy tounderstand Websites, videos, Blogs, articlesand FB Feeds. You will know what is theBest to feed and what to totally stay away from.You will learn how it comes to be food for ourpets and what is in it… You will also learnthe harsh reality of the chemicals, artificialingredients and things that should never befed to your pet. YOU can protect his life!!
Kangen Water Magic. 1.0
Your Water Could Change Your Life!You know how important it is to stayhydrated, but have you ever investigatedthe difference between the differenttypes of drinking water available?The truth is - not all waters are created equal.But there's good news: Kangen Water®is literally changing lives every day!Beyond the basic chemistry of this life-giving water,you will find that it offers so much more.Why KANGEN Water?This Free App tells all the answers -Videos - understand the technologyWebsites - explain all aboutAlkaline, Micro-cluster, Hydrate, IonizeMiracle Water?The Enagic Companyand much, much more…Download this free app… you will understandChange your Water, Change your Life!
Wheat Belly Diet Tips. 1.0
Wheat Belly Diet Tips.Overweight, Sick, Tired, and Allergy Problemshave become the 'norm' for many in today'ssociety… are you part of this epidemic?Why is this happening? What can you do tojust feel better?This Free App will the cause. It will show youWHY this has happened and what you can doto get better..Download this App to get -- RSS Feeds - up-to-date discoveries- Blogs - Expert Feedback- Recipes- Websites -the why and how- videos - advice from the experts- FaceBook - connectChange your life… Download this App…Get healthy and live in wellness…
Free Job Search Guide. 1.0
Did today start with that dreaded overwhelmingfeeling of really needing a new life?And step 'one' is to get a new job? Wondering where to start?This new Free App will give you much more than Job Hunting... Youneed to know how to Get Hired and then make your effort a positive,permanent position in your Career Search...- 10 sites of current Job listings- Job Interview Tips- Job Advice- How-to be an applicant success- Videos to help you through the process- Free Job Search Help EbooksDon't waste time... This app will quickly make your Jobsearcha success... YOU'RE HIRED!!!Download Now!
How To Be A Vegetarian. 1.0
Want to know HOW or Why?Learn why your body is hurting and sick…Turn it around… Learn to let your body get well…This FREE new app brings you …- NEWS - the latest in discoveries of the food we eat- Blogs - hear from the people who live vegetarian- Recipes - Learn to make delicious meals- Videos - The fun of hearing how everyone has an opinion- Offer - Get Serious and Get help…This App will inspire you to be better in health and body.Download free now. Start your journey to feeling great always…
ID Theft Crisis. 1.0
Identity theft is a form of stealingsomeone'sidentityin which someone pretends to be someone else byassuming that person's identity, typically in order toaccess resources or obtain credit and other benefitsin that person's name.The victim of identity theft (here meaning the personwhose identity has been assumed by the identity thief)can suffer adverse consequences if they are held accountablefor the perpetrator's actions.Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personallyidentifying information, like your name, SocialSecuritynumber,or credit card number, without your permission,to commit fraud or other crimes.This is the accepted explanation of today'sCrime Wave. But these are just words… thereal and lasting Crime is in the devastatingharm suffered by the Victims. This Free Appgives you facts, knowledge, warnings and tipsso you can protect you and your Loved Onesfrom this crushing personal crime.Download this Free App now to stop this crime. Learn throughWebsites, Rss Blogs, Videos, Documents andmore.
Sell your Home Tips. 1.0
FOR SALE - MY HOMEHas this become a frustrating, impossible problem?Are you getting to feel that it will never happen?This New Free App will give you the secrets to get this doneThis free app includes all of the following..News - the latest changes in the market4Sale Tips - How to get it all ready.Video - Selling Tips - Experts show how...Webpage - All the important advice & examplesOffers - Experts show you all the selling secretsMove on with your life… this app will help you get it done
Get Your Ex Back. 1.0
Lonely. Sad. Depressed. Have these wordsbecome YOU? Crying. Confusion. How togo on? These are all symptoms of a brokenheart. Change this picture… get your Ex back!This free App is loaded with advice, experthelp and practical tips to make this easy…Download this App for Websites, Blogs, FaceBook Gurus, Videos and more…Don't waste any more time being sad. Geta plan to get your Ex back… Download now!
Money or Not. 1.0
Are you avoiding the end of themonth?Toomany Bills to pay? Not enough money?This App is full of Help and Tips on how todeal with financial problems…To help you get contol of your finances and startyour new commitment to saving, this Appbrings you advice from experts on How-to…Websites, Blogs, RSS Feeds, Face Book, Videos.Take the worry out of your life, Downloadthis App and get on the road to Debt Free living…
Food? maybe not... 1.0
Artificial; Colorings;Flavors;Preservatives;Radiated; Concentrated; No added Sugar;Diet; Sucralose; By-products; High FructoseCorn Syrup. These words are the 'good' sideof the ingredients found in most of our foods.The others side is suspect or known harmfulingredients that we either can't pronounceand don't know what they are or just thingswe do understand but know that are veryharmful to us. These include things likeartificial sweeteners, aspartame, pesticides,herbicides, fillers, GMO products, andthe new Frankenstein chemically induced products.Is This Really Food?' is a free App that hasinformation on our food supply. WhereFood comes from and the many processesthat occur before we buy it for our dinner.You won't believe what FOOD has reallybecome and that makes this App so important.This valuable information will enlighten youto what you can do to keep your family safe.You will learn what to eat and how to find it.Download this Free App now. Easy informationfrom Websites, Blogs, Videos, Face Book Sites,and the facts from Experts. Contrary topopular belief, color and taste could be veryharmful!
How To Look Young. 1.0
How to Appear Younger than You ReallyAreSure, you could hit the gym, eat your veggies, and getplasticsurgery—but what can you do that doesn’t suck?We all want to stay young forever but as life will have it,theinevitable happensand suddenly we are seeing the telltale tiny lines, mysterioushairgrowth, a sagthat wasn't there yesterday. Don't panic... This App brings youallthe latest waysto stop this life altering betrayal! We give you answers todealingwith thesechanges from Doctors, Skin Specialists, Nutritionists,Naturopaths,and secretsfrom the Stars (who's careers depend on them remaining youngandbeautiful)Download this App and plan your path to a younger you throughthesimpleguidance of the websites, videos, Rss feeds from Blogs and FaceBooktoconnect with real people with real results...Stay young... stay healthy!