18.2 / August 5, 2016
(4.0/5) (5)


Mobile CRM for Android – professionalcustomermanagement with mobile CRM

With Mobile CRM for Android, your business processes runmoresmoothly and your field staff are best supported wherever theyare.Instantly access your CRM data from CAS genesisWorld.Realtimeaccess to all app functionalities ensures that you haveallcontacts, appointments, documents, and more, at yourfingertipswithout having to synchronize your data.

Mobile CRM for Android requires CAS genesisWorld Version x8.1.0.Touse the app and integrate it into your CAS genesisWorld CRMsystem,you need to configure your server settings and ensure thatyou havethe correct license. For further information, pleasecontact yourconsulting CAS partner or CAS Software AG directlyat:[email protected].

Mobile app functions

When you start the app, you will see your custom dashboard. Allofyour upcoming appointments, linked contacts, opportunities,andother relevant data, are displayed here. For moredetailedinformation, you can immediately access the individual datarecordsto read or edit them.

Stay connected anytime – call, write or text your customersorbusiness partners directly from within the app. Additionally,youcan view your customer's picture and look up their address onthearea map. Different contact lists help you to structureyourcontacts, and you can, for example, display all of your keyaccountcustomers your colleagues. Find your contacts easily withthe smartsearch function.

View your appointments and holidays in a well-structuredday/weekview. Use the shared calendar view to access yourcolleagues'calendars or resource plans, or quickly schedulenewappointments.

With Mobile CRM for Android, you can access important documentsfromanywhere. View the document details and open different types,suchas PDF, Office documents or image files, by using acorrespondingapp (e.g. Adobe Reader).

You can stay right up to date using reports - by accessingyourindividually defined report views you can keep a close eye onyourdata while mobile. You can opt to display your data ineithertabular format or, alternatively, as a PDF file based onCrystalReports.

Visit reports, lead surveys, interviews and much more -mobileaccess to your questionnaires helps you enter yourinformationbeing on the move, for example, while at a customer siteor a tradefair.

Realize your sales potential by accessing your opportunitiesandproduct items in realtime. Edit your contacts, turnover figuresorchange the status of a sale during an out-of-officecustomermeeting.

Seamlessly integrate your ERP system receipts intoCASgenesisWorld.
Tasks, projects, phone calls and jobs
Instantly access your important customer data, such ascurrenttasks. You can easily create and edit tasks, jobs andprojects whenyou are on the move.

Get a 360° view of your customer on your Android smartphone:simplyaccess your customer's history with one look at the dossier.Thedossier displays a chronologically sorted list of all linkeddatarecords.

Many more functions
Mobile access to e-mails including the attachments, and more.

App Information CAS genesisWorld x8

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CAS genesisWorld x4 2.5 APK
Mobile CRM for Android – professional customermanagment with mobile CRMWith Mobile CRM for Android, your business processes run moresmoothly and your field staff are best supported wherever they are.Instantly access your CRM data from CAS genesisWorld. Realtimeaccess to all app functionalities ensures that you have allcontacts, appointments, documents, and more, at your fingertipswithout having to synchronize your data.RequirementsMobile CRM for Android requires CAS genesisWorld Version x4.0.2. Touse the app and integrate it into your CAS genesisWorld CRM system,you need to configure your server settings and ensure that you havethe correct license. For further information, please contact yourconsulting CAS partner or CAS Software AG directly at: [email protected] app functionsDashboardWhen you start the app, you will see your custom dashboard. All ofyour upcoming appointments, linked contacts, opportunities, andother relevant data, are displayed here. For more detailedinformation, you can immediately access the individual data recordsto read or edit them.ContactsStay connected anytime – call, write or text your customers orbusiness partners directly from within the app. Additionally, youcan view your customer's picture and look up their address on thearea map. Different contact lists help you to structure yourcontacts, and you can, for example, display all of your key accountcustomers your colleagues. Find your contacts easily with the smartsearch function.AppointmentsView your appointments and holidays in a well-structured day/weekview. Use the shared calendar view to access your colleagues'calendars or resource plans, or quickly schedule newappointments.DocumentsWith Mobile CRM for Android, you can access important documentsfrom anywhere. View the document details and open different types,such as PDF, Office documents or image files, by using acorresponding app (e.g. Adobe Reader).ReportsYou can stay right up to date using reports - by accessing yourindividually defined report views you can keep a close eye on yourdata while mobile. You can opt to display your data in eithertabular format or, alternatively, as a PDF file based on CrystalReports. Requirements: CAS genesisWorld x4.0.2 or later.QuestionnairesVisit reports, lead surveys, interviews and much more - mobileaccess to your questionnaires helps you enter your informationbeing on the move, for example, while at a customer site or a tradefair.OpportunitiesRealize your sales potential by accessing your opportunities andproduct items in realtime. Edit your contacts, turnover figures orchange the status of a sale during an out-of-office customermeeting.ReceiptsSeamlessly integrate your ERP system receipts into CASgenesisWorld.Tasks, projects, phone calls and jobsInstantly access your important customer data, such as currenttasks. You can easily create and edit tasks, jobs and projects whenyou are on the move.DossierGet a 360° view of your customer on your Android smartphone: simplyaccess your customer's history with one look at the dossier. Thedossier displays a chronologically sorted list of all linked datarecords.Many more functionsMobile access to e-mails including the attachments, and more.
CAS genesisWorld x5 3.2 APK
Mobile CRM for Android – professional customermanagment with mobile CRMWith Mobile CRM for Android, your business processes run moresmoothly and your field staff are best supported wherever they are.Instantly access your CRM data from CAS genesisWorld. Realtimeaccess to all app functionalities ensures that you have allcontacts, appointments, documents, and more, at your fingertipswithout having to synchronize your data.RequirementsMobile CRM for Android requires CAS genesisWorld Version x5.0.2. Touse the app and integrate it into your CAS genesisWorld CRM system,you need to configure your server settings and ensure that you havethe correct license. For further information, please contact yourconsulting CAS partner or CAS Software AG directly at: [email protected] app functionsDashboardWhen you start the app, you will see your custom dashboard. All ofyour upcoming appointments, linked contacts, opportunities, andother relevant data, are displayed here. For more detailedinformation, you can immediately access the individual data recordsto read or edit them.ContactsStay connected anytime – call, write or text your customers orbusiness partners directly from within the app. Additionally, youcan view your customer's picture and look up their address on thearea map. Different contact lists help you to structure yourcontacts, and you can, for example, display all of your key accountcustomers your colleagues. Find your contacts easily with the smartsearch function.AppointmentsView your appointments and holidays in a well-structured day/weekview. Use the shared calendar view to access your colleagues'calendars or resource plans, or quickly schedule newappointments.DocumentsWith Mobile CRM for Android, you can access important documentsfrom anywhere. View the document details and open different types,such as PDF, Office documents or image files, by using acorresponding app (e.g. Adobe Reader).ReportsYou can stay right up to date using reports - by accessing yourindividually defined report views you can keep a close eye on yourdata while mobile. You can opt to display your data in eithertabular format or, alternatively, as a PDF file based on CrystalReports. Requirements: CAS genesisWorld x5.0.2 or later.QuestionnairesVisit reports, lead surveys, interviews and much more - mobileaccess to your questionnaires helps you enter your informationbeing on the move, for example, while at a customer site or a tradefair.OpportunitiesRealize your sales potential by accessing your opportunities andproduct items in realtime. Edit your contacts, turnover figures orchange the status of a sale during an out-of-office customermeeting.ReceiptsSeamlessly integrate your ERP system receipts into CASgenesisWorld.Tasks, projects, phone calls and jobsInstantly access your important customer data, such as currenttasks. You can easily create and edit tasks, jobs and projects whenyou are on the move.DossierGet a 360° view of your customer on your Android smartphone: simplyaccess your customer's history with one look at the dossier. Thedossier displays a chronologically sorted list of all linked datarecords.Many more functionsMobile access to e-mails including the attachments, and more.
CAS genesisWorld x8 18.2 APK
Mobile CRM for Android – professionalcustomermanagement with mobile CRMWith Mobile CRM for Android, your business processes runmoresmoothly and your field staff are best supported wherever theyare.Instantly access your CRM data from CAS genesisWorld.Realtimeaccess to all app functionalities ensures that you haveallcontacts, appointments, documents, and more, at yourfingertipswithout having to synchronize your data.RequirementsMobile CRM for Android requires CAS genesisWorld Version x8.1.0.Touse the app and integrate it into your CAS genesisWorld CRMsystem,you need to configure your server settings and ensure thatyou havethe correct license. For further information, pleasecontact yourconsulting CAS partner or CAS Software AG directlyat:[email protected] app functionsDashboardWhen you start the app, you will see your custom dashboard. Allofyour upcoming appointments, linked contacts, opportunities,andother relevant data, are displayed here. For moredetailedinformation, you can immediately access the individual datarecordsto read or edit them.ContactsStay connected anytime – call, write or text your customersorbusiness partners directly from within the app. Additionally,youcan view your customer's picture and look up their address onthearea map. Different contact lists help you to structureyourcontacts, and you can, for example, display all of your keyaccountcustomers your colleagues. Find your contacts easily withthe smartsearch function.AppointmentsView your appointments and holidays in a well-structuredday/weekview. Use the shared calendar view to access yourcolleagues'calendars or resource plans, or quickly schedulenewappointments.DocumentsWith Mobile CRM for Android, you can access important documentsfromanywhere. View the document details and open different types,suchas PDF, Office documents or image files, by using acorrespondingapp (e.g. Adobe Reader).ReportsYou can stay right up to date using reports - by accessingyourindividually defined report views you can keep a close eye onyourdata while mobile. You can opt to display your data ineithertabular format or, alternatively, as a PDF file based onCrystalReports.QuestionnairesVisit reports, lead surveys, interviews and much more -mobileaccess to your questionnaires helps you enter yourinformationbeing on the move, for example, while at a customer siteor a tradefair.OpportunitiesRealize your sales potential by accessing your opportunitiesandproduct items in realtime. Edit your contacts, turnover figuresorchange the status of a sale during an out-of-officecustomermeeting.ReceiptsSeamlessly integrate your ERP system receipts intoCASgenesisWorld.Tasks, projects, phone calls and jobsInstantly access your important customer data, such ascurrenttasks. You can easily create and edit tasks, jobs andprojects whenyou are on the move.DossierGet a 360° view of your customer on your Android smartphone:simplyaccess your customer's history with one look at the dossier.Thedossier displays a chronologically sorted list of all linkeddatarecords.Many more functionsMobile access to e-mails including the attachments, and more.
CAS genesisWorld x3 APK
Mobile CRM for Android – Die mobileCRM-Lösungfür professionelles KundenmanagementMit Mobile CRM for Android werden Ihre Geschäftsprozesse auchvorOrt optimal unterstützt und Ihre Außendienstmitarbeiterspürbarentlastet. Von überall greifen Sie schnell und bequem aufIhreCRM-Daten aus CAS genesisWorld zu. Die App-FunktionenAdressen,Termine, Aufgaben, Vorgänge, Projekte und Dokumente ausCAS sowiedie Akte stehen Ihnen in Echtzeit ohneDatensynchronisation zurVerfügung. Selbstverständlich werden auchbeim mobilen Zugriffsämtliche Rechte berücksichtigt.Voraussetzungen:Voraussetzung für den Betrieb von Mobile CRM for Android istdieVersion x3.0.2 von CAS genesisWorld. Um die App zu nutzen undinIhr CRM-System CAS genesisWorld einzubinden, sindeineserverseitige Konfiguration sowie eine entsprechendeLizenzierungnotwendig. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie bitte direktIhrenbetreuenden CAS Partner oder die CAS Software [email protected] Funktionen bietet die App?CockpitDie App startet mit Ihrem individuellen Cockpit. AnstehendeTermineund die damit verknüpften Adressen, sowie Aufgaben undVorgängewerden übersichtlich angezeigt. Selbstverständlich könnenSie ausdieser Ansicht direkt zu den einzelnen Datensätzennavigieren unddiese bearbeiten.AdressenDie Kontaktaufnahme mit Ihren Kunden oder Geschäftspartnernerfolgteinfach per Telefon, E-Mail oder SMS direkt aus der Appheraus.Zusätzlich ist es möglich, sich das Adressbild oder dieAdresse aufeinem Lageplan anzeigen zu lassen. Adresslistenstrukturieren IhreKontakte und zeigen Ihnen beispielsweise Ihrewichtigen A-Kundenoder Kollegen an. Die globale Suche hilft Ihnenschnell denrichtigen Kontakt zu finden. Neue Adressen sind mit derApp schnellerfasst.TermineAlle Termine und Urlaube werden in einerübersichtlichenTages-/Wochenansicht dargestellt. Bequem lassen sichdie Kalendervon Kollegen oder Besprechungsräumen einsehen und neueTermineanlegen.DokumenteMit Mobile CRM für Android stehen Ihre wichtigen Dokumentejederzeitzur Verfügung – übersichtlich gruppiert in Listen. Nebender Anzeigeder Dokumentendetails können z.B. PDF-,Office-Dokumente,Bilddateien etc. einfach in einer entsprechendenApp (z.B. AdobeReader) geöffnet werden.Aufgaben & Projekte & VorgängeGreifen Sie mobil auf Ihre aktuellen Aufgaben, Projekte undVorgängezu. Aufgaben können nun auch von unterwegs erfasst undbearbeitetwerden. Selbstverständlich kann dabei immer der aktuelleStatuseingesehen werden.AkteDamit Sie auch mit dem Android-Smartphone eine 360°-Sicht aufdenKunden haben, greifen Sie mit Hilfe der App einfach aufdiejeweilige Adress-, Termin- oder Dokumentenakte zu.VerknüpfteAdressen, Termine und Dokumente lassen sich direktöffnen, beiallen anderen Datensatz-Typen werden die wichtigstenInformationenin kompakter Form angezeigt.Neue Funktionen in dieser Version:* Neues Oberflächen-Design nun auch für Smartphonesverfügbar* Neue App Aufgaben: Aufgaben können nun gelesen, bearbeitetundneu erstellt werden* Neue App Vorgänge: Greifen Sie jetzt auch auf Ihre VorgängeundListenansichten zu* Neue App Projekte: Projekte sowie deren Listenansichtenkönnennun ebenfalls eingesehen werden* Zuletzt geöffnet: Nach Auswahl einer App werden nun diezuletztgeöffnete Datensätze direkt angezeigt - somit könnenaktuellverwendete Datensätze nun noch schneller aufgerufenwerden* Berücksichtigung der Einstellung „Weitere Rechte - Mobileapps“in der Management Konsole, die mit der Version x4.0.1 zurVerfügungstehtMobile CRM for Android-The mobile CRM solution for professional customer managementWith Mobile CRM for Android Your business processes arealsolocally optimal support and your field staff noticeablyrelieved.From anywhere you access quickly and easily to your CRMdata fromCAS genesisWorld. The Access features addresses,appointments,tasks, processes, and documents projects from CAS andthe Act areprovided in real time without data synchronization. Ofcourse, allthe mobile access rights are granted.Prerequisites:Requirements for operation by the Mobile CRM for Androidversionx3.0.2 CAS genesisWorld. To use the app and incorporate themintoyour CRM system CAS genesisWorld, a server-side configurationandthe appropriate licensing required. If interested, pleasedirectlycontact your supervising partner or CAS, CAS [email protected] features does the app do?CockpitThe app starts with your individual cockpit. Upcoming eventsandtheir associated addresses, as well as tasks and processesareclearly shown. Of course, you can navigate directly from thisviewto the individual data sets and edit them.AddressesMaking contact with your customers and business associates iseasyout via phone, e-mail or SMS directly from the app. It isalsopossible to display the image address, or the address on amap.Address lists, organize your contacts and show you, forexample, toyour important A customer or colleague. Global searchhelps youquickly find the right contact. New addresses with the appquicklydetected.DatesAll dates and holidays are presented in aclearTages-/Wochenansicht. Easily can the calendar of colleaguesormeeting rooms, wit and create new appointments.PapersWith Mobile CRM for Android your important documents arealwaysavailable - clearly grouped into lists. Besides displayingthedocument details can eg PDF, office documents, images, etc.areeasy to open a corresponding app (eg Adobe Reader).Tasks & projects & operationsMobile Access to your actual tasks, projects and processes.Taskscan now be captured and processed by the road. Naturally,always,the current status can be seen.RecordSo you also with your Android smartphone has a full 360 degreeviewof customers, access using the app simply on therespectiveaddress, time, or file documents. Linked addresses,appointmentsand documents can be opened directly, all other recordtypes arethe key information in compact form.New features in this version:* New interface design now available for smartphones* New app tasks: Tasks can be now read, edit, and create new* New App operations: Access now also apply to yourtransactionsand list views* App New projects projects and their list view can now alsobereadAre therefore currently used records can now be calledevenfaster - After selecting an app now the recently openedrecordsshown directly: * Open Recent* Consideration of setting "more rights - mobile apps" Inthemanagement console, with version x4.0.1 is available
CAS CardScanner 1.5.0-19090611 APK
App from CAS Software AG capture digitally your business cards.
Time and place have no relevance anymore – CASSmartWe gives you the freedom you need by removing the everydayconstraints of time and place. CAS SmartWe is the personalrelationship manager you can carry around on your smartphone ortablet – worldwide, around the clock.What functions does the app offer?Contact management – quick and easyBy gathering all your contact information together digitally youwill rediscover your customers‘ requirements.Customer history – intelligent links to your customersWe have reinvented a classic: scroll through your digital customerdossier exploring documents, e-mails, phone calls and appointments.CAS SmartWe links all the important things to each individualcustomer. Nothing will ever slip through the net again and you willhave all the important information at your finger tips.Calendar – more time for customers, colleagues &familyWith our fascinatingly simple appointment management features youwill impress your customers, colleagues and, last but not least,your family and friends.Stay on top of your most important resource - your time – be it inbusiness or in your private life.Leads & opportunities – never miss the chance to close adealDesign your own sales process, recognize sales potential at aglance and manage your sales based on meaningful forecasts.The Radial menu and CAS SmartSearch – you’ve never seen yourcustomers like thisThe Radial menu organizes all your important customer informationin a circular fashion around your customers so that you can accessthis information at any time in a quick view. And the integratedfull-text searching of CAS SmartSearch enables lightening fast andintelligent searching.CAS SmartDesign® – a solution that meets the toughestdemandsBased on the globally unique CAS SmartDesign® Technology, CASSmartWe offers you a consistent look and feel whether on yourtablet, smartphone or web browser and a consistent userexperience.Security & data protection - a key issue for us.Data protection and security is one of our most pressing concerns.You can rely upon the highest levels of data protection – “Hostedin Germany”. No backdoors, optimal encryption, and a sophisticatedrights system make CAS SmartWe a data fortress.
Als offizielle Unternehmenszeitschrift der CAS Software AGberichtet die CAS@WORK seit 1996 über vielfältige Themen aus derWelt des Kundenbeziehungsmanagements und der digitalen Technik. ImMittelpunkt stehen allgemeine Trends, Tipps sowie Informationen zuden neuesten Produktinnovationen der CAS-Gruppe.
Cumulus Publications 1.0.4 APK
The app lets you read the Cumulus Association's conference paperson the go.