/ November 26, 2013
(4.1/5) (49)


Only works on rooted devices (or devices withRecovery Mode)

Disable ADB on screen off and enable ADB *after* screenlock isunlocked.

Source code (+artwork) freely ($0) available on demand byemail.

Adb-Lock helps protecting Android (prior to 4.4.3) against the"adbd authorisation bypass" attack by (found by Henry Hoggard, MWRLabs).

*keys* adb root kill suspend lock veille security thief spy protectencryption

App Information ADB Lock •ROOT•

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Only works on rooted devices (or devices withRecovery Mode)Disable ADB on screen off and enable ADB *after* screenlock isunlocked.Source code (+artwork) freely ($0) available on demand byemail.Adb-Lock helps protecting Android (prior to 4.4.3) against the"adbd authorisation bypass" attack by (found by Henry Hoggard, MWRLabs).*keys* adb root kill suspend lock veille security thief spy protectencryption
Here We Are! stable-null APK
* Here we are is temporarily back * * But past March, 9th theGoogle Play Team new rules against… SMS sending will be definitive.But stay tuned ! *http://ckgandroiddev.blogspot.com/2018/12/fin-de-123-je-suis-la-here-we-are-is.htmlYou are going, by motorcycle, at your in-laws's and your husbandstayed at home? Set "Here We Are!" and they will be informed everyhalf-hour of your position with a simple SMS! And your hands stayon the handlebars!
PrefixCall APK
Unsuitable for non-French carriers.Do not install.
Sms Revealer - Automator 1.0 APK
Please, check you have SuperUser rights :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=burrows.apps.rootcheckerThis application is the "root" mechanism of Sms Revealer :Sms Revealer will silently call the automator and run, as root,the two "adb shell" commands.
Identifiants FreeMobile 2.0 APK
** /!\ La récupération des identifiants peutêtre cassée à tout moment par FreeMobile, contactez-moi via mail outwitter svp /!\ **Récupérez les identifiants imap de la messagerie visuelle vocaleFreeMobile.Pour plus d'informations sur l'implémentation OMTP (MessagerieVisuelle Vocale) par FreeMobile : http://ckgandroiddev.blogspot.fr/2012/11/la-messagerie-visuelle-vocale.htmlNe fonctionne QUE avec FreeMobile et SI vous avec activez laMVV. Dans tous les autres cas l'application ne fonctionnerapas.** / \ Recoveryidentifiers can be broken at any time by FreeMobile, contact me viaemail or twitter please / \ **Retrieve IDs of visual voicemail imap FreeMobile voice.For more information about implementing OMTP (Visual Voice Mail)by FreeMobile: http://ckgandroiddev.blogspot.fr/2012/11/la-messagerie-visuelle-vocale.htmlTHAT does not work with FreeMobile and IF you select with theMVV. In all other cases the application will not work.
SMS Revealer ✉ 1.0 APK
* Will probably not works on your 4.4 Android! I'm working on ! *A lot of applications you have already installed on yoursmartphone have the right to send automatic SMS.So, many SMS appear on your bill but not in outbox. You knowwhen et to who a sms is sent but not the content. Quite disturbing,isn't it ?This application will reveal to you what is sent.* How it works ?Google has designed, deep inside Android system, a debug mechanismwhich helps a developer verifying the content of the SMS sent bytheir application. No root required.* Is it a privacy issue ?Absolutely not !- This mechanism needs an Android mobile in "Developer Mode", a PCand a lot of Android knowledge. Or this application.- By default Android doesn't log SMS and doesn't allow anapplication to snoop into logs. These two steps are absolutelyneeded, if one of the two is missing the app won't work.keywords
Signal Spam 2.0 APK
French-Carriers only Unsuitable fornon-Frenchcarriers. Do not install.