1.1 / November 24, 2016
(5.0/5) ()




"Heart Sutra" to"WisdomSutra" focus Collection of which the "Prajna Paramita"(Sanskrit:Prajñāpāramitā) defined as by writing smell repair andpro cardWisdom, beyond birth and death, arrive no birth and nodeath reliefrealm [2].
Tibetan text called "Bhagavad mother said to PrajnaParamitasuspicious", will not be called by (sūtra). In MahayanaBuddhism,Prajna Paramita and the most classic essence. Therefore,the "HeartSutra", with six clutch release explained, is holdingindustryrelease, "Prajna Paramita" is the "heart."
"Heart Sutra" verse structure, is to talk about the BuddhaandSariputra, the source for most of the "big Prajna Sutra" VolumeIIwill be the third article 403 bis of contemplation, that the"bigitems Wisdom" Xi product should third). "Prajna Paramita is aGreatSpiritual Mantra ......" period, for "big Prajna Sutra" wouldmerita second thirty-second product, namely "Great product Wisdom"whoadvise the thirty-fourth article. Mantra is out of "BuddhaDharaniset by the" Volume III, Wisdom big heart Dharanisixteenth.Therefore, "Heart Sutra" is from the essence of the"Perfection ofWisdom Sutra", the additional Mi Zhou mantra, tocomplete today's"Heart Sutra" organized patterns.

Day holding Chung Bodhisattva Maha Namiwaka Paramita Sutra,thebig wish success, ask Beecham, reward full, good luck. Canremoveall suffering true is true.

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  • Updated
    November 24, 2016
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    Books & Reference
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心經 1.1 APK
《般若波羅蜜多心經》為《般若經》的重點結集,其中「般若波羅蜜多」(梵文:Prajñāpāramitā)義為,由文字聞修而親證般若智慧,超越生死輪迴,到達不生不滅的解脫境界[2]。藏文本稱《薄伽梵母說般若波羅蜜多心要》,皆不稱為經(sūtra)。在大乘佛法中,般若波羅蜜多及其經典最為精要。所以《般若波羅蜜多心經》,用六離合釋來解釋,是持業釋,「般若波羅蜜多」即是「心」。《心經》經文結構,乃世尊與舍利弗之對談,其來源大部分出於《大般若經》第二會卷403觀照品第三之二,即《大品般若》習應品第三)。「般若波羅蜜多是大神咒……」一段,出於《大般若經》第二會功德品第三十二,即《大品般若》勸持品第三十四。咒文則出於《佛說陀羅尼集經》第三卷,般若大心陀羅尼第十六。故《心經》是出自《般若經》的精髓,附加密咒真言,才完成現今《心經》組織的型態。日日持頌觀世音菩薩摩訶波若波羅密多心經,可大願成就,所求必成,福報滿盈,萬事如意。能除一切苦,真實不虛。"Heart Sutra" to"WisdomSutra" focus Collection of which the "Prajna Paramita"(Sanskrit:Prajñāpāramitā) defined as by writing smell repair andpro cardWisdom, beyond birth and death, arrive no birth and nodeath reliefrealm [2].Tibetan text called "Bhagavad mother said to PrajnaParamitasuspicious", will not be called by (sūtra). In MahayanaBuddhism,Prajna Paramita and the most classic essence. Therefore,the "HeartSutra", with six clutch release explained, is holdingindustryrelease, "Prajna Paramita" is the "heart.""Heart Sutra" verse structure, is to talk about the BuddhaandSariputra, the source for most of the "big Prajna Sutra" VolumeIIwill be the third article 403 bis of contemplation, that the"bigitems Wisdom" Xi product should third). "Prajna Paramita is aGreatSpiritual Mantra ......" period, for "big Prajna Sutra" wouldmerita second thirty-second product, namely "Great product Wisdom"whoadvise the thirty-fourth article. Mantra is out of "BuddhaDharaniset by the" Volume III, Wisdom big heart Dharanisixteenth.Therefore, "Heart Sutra" is from the essence of the"Perfection ofWisdom Sutra", the additional Mi Zhou mantra, tocomplete today's"Heart Sutra" organized patterns.Day holding Chung Bodhisattva Maha Namiwaka Paramita Sutra,thebig wish success, ask Beecham, reward full, good luck. Canremoveall suffering true is true.
關聖帝君覺世真經(救劫文) 1.0 APK
覺世真經(救劫文)本文由來:四川重慶地方,大疫,二郎廟側右,有一鄉老王三從,素行好善,虔心邀集各境人民,在雲峰寺建設經壇大醮。四月初六日午時,有一工人陳慶,來壇觀望,忽坐神前,威言正色,大聲叫曰:吾乃關聖帝君臨凡是也!霎時祥雲四起,鐘鼓自鳴,驚得王三從與首事諸人,面如土色,齊跪階下。帝君怒曰:吾以忠義治世,吾在天上,心在人間,願救眾生,以忠義存心,免遭惡劫。不料眾生造下無端罪惡,吾不忍生靈塗炭,前來告之你等,大都不敬天地,不孝父母,不信神帝,奸淫邪盜詭計百出,種種罪孽,惡貫滿盈,諸神表冊一一奏上天庭,玉皇大帝觀罪惡部堆積如山,帝親臨下界查察善惡,千人中難尋十人行善,回天大怒,要將作惡眾生收盡,吾乃聚諸天神,再三哀求,方許准留一半,勅令瘟神通行天下,收盡惡人為止,一家清吉,處處修善,處處平安,吾前為你等眾生,演說<明聖經覺世文>,教你等敬天地,禮神明,奉祖先,孝雙親,守法,重師尊,愛兄弟,信朋友,睦家族,和鄉鄰,敬夫婦,愛子孫,多行方便,廣積陰功,戒殺生,爾等如何未有行也,今特臨凡,爾等從速遵行,或抄錄,或印送宣傳,一見此諭,急極力痛改,萬惡消滅,自必百福千祥,如雲集矣,見吾之諭不傳者,劫數之內難免焉。言畢駕返,陳慶倒地,俄而復醒,各人將所訓之示書錄送人,廣傳天下,講諭世人。是故,誦持此文,可獲關聖帝君護持,消災解厄,順心如意。Sleep WorldScriptures(robbery save text) the origin of this article:Sichuan, Chongqing, and the great plague, erlangmiao the rightside,there is a village three from Pharaoh, Motoyuki good, andbeseechingthe people invited each territory, large constructiondipped inYunfeng Temple by the altar. Noon six days in earlyApril, a workerChan to the altar on the sidelines, suddenlysitting before God, WeiYan Stern, shouted, saying: Kuan Wu Nai Prowho also! Instant cloudseverywhere, bells and drums from the Ming,stunned from the firstking of the three things MorohitoMianrutuse, kneeling next neatorder. Emperor anger, saying: In myloyalty Statecraft, in myheaven, in the heart of the world,willing to save others, loyaltyto deliberately, from evil robbery.Unexpectedly beings made undergratuitous evil, I can not bear theloss of life, came to tell themthat you like most disrespectfulworld, filial parents do notbelieve in God Emperor, adulteryPirates evil tricks one hundred,many sins, wicked gods of listseleven played on heaven, the JadeEmperor View sin portionmountains, Dili police went to check thelower bound of good andevil, thousands of hard to find ten peopleto do good, back to thedays of furious, to close to make the evilbeings, Wu Nai polygods, repeatedly pleading, Huh Joon left sidehalf, Chile orderplague access the world, close to make the wickedfar, a clearguitar everywhere rehabilitated, everywhere peace,before I was youand other living beings, speech teach you wait forKing world,courtesy gods, Bong ancestors, filial piety parents,law-abiding,heavy Master, brothers love letter friends, Mu family,andneighbors, the couple respect, love children andgrandchildren,multi-line convenience, wide Yam Kung, killing andstudents, Haierhow firms have not, this special Pro Fan, Seoul andso as soon aspossible to comply with, or copied, printed or sentpublicitySeeing encyclical, acute pain and tried to change,eliminate evil,Zibi Qianxiang Bedford, gathered as men, and thosewho see myencyclical does not pass, the inevitable doom Yan within.Yan Bidriving back, Chan fell to the ground, Russian undone wakeup,every man shown in the training record book to give asgifts,widely spread in the world, people talk about the encyclical.Therefore in this article recite, mostly fromGuanshengdijunavailable, in helping the misfortunes, tame.
眾神幫幫忙諸天善神靈籤 1.0.0 APK
由乾坤門金玲雅居金玲老師發願撰寫,向諸神祈求恩旨,提供十方信眾能突破時間與空間的限制,向諸天善神祈求指點迷津.本APP所請到之神明如下:*關聖帝君-問事業*黃大仙 -問神明*月下老人-問姻緣*駐生娘娘-問孕事*保生大帝-問健康*觀音菩薩-問家庭*呂洞賓師-問方向*天后媽祖-問運程*七星娘娘-問子女本程式所請到的神明,均是透過正式法會請示神明,並非一般的APP小遊戲,所以十分靈驗,請以恭敬的心,按照祈求說明向神明祈求,必有靈驗!若您有想祈求的神明卻苦無找到地方可以請示,歡迎來信[email protected]告訴我們,我們會焚香請示神明是否願意恩准,若蒙恩允,我們將會再擇日增加.本程式請勿在廁所或是浴室開啟,以表對神明的尊重.